Last Wed. instead of trick-treating, I went bowling with the girls I mentor from Mars Hill Senior High. I have been with them since they were seventh how they have grown up! We went bowling in our costumes and ended quite early as most of them had parties to get to.

For the second game I made everyone bowl with their opposite hand. It was hilarious. I also said that I would bow down to anyone who got a strike...and whatdaya know...Wendy got one. Surprise, surprise. ahem...I bowed down.
Here's Wendy and I ...

Obviously Wendy was a nerd...and I (not so obviously?) was a little girl named Freja. This costume will make sense in a post that I will do next week...Josh and I are going to a costume party this weekend...Josh is sort of going as my other half...or rather...I, his. I will explain better with pictures next week.
On another holiday related note...I CAN'T believe that downtown GR already has a lit up santa claus on one of the ellis parking garages. really?!
I had a dream you posted a new blog... hmmm.
we had no idea you guys had a little b-l-o-g. very cool. we went ahead and added you on our blogroll. and we appreciate the comment and congratulations! thank you.
and yes, 'obviously' wendy was a nerd. haha...nice.
take care & have a great week!
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