Saturday, May 2, 2009

sitting up

this is a long video, but so cute! Lo is learning to sit up and he's almost got it!!! he thinks falling over and me catching him is hilarious.



Unknown said...

Fantastic! He is soooo cute! Can't wait to hug him!

jill said...

i looooove this :)

jimkastkeat said...

Is that Felicity I hear in the background?!

Go Lorens go!

Far Far said...

that's what I needed, a few minutes with Lorens. Can't wait to see him this weekend.

Anonymous said...

huge smile on my face the whole time- so adorable! Hope you are doing well! love you, maris

Anonymous said...

haha, i was going to comment on the felicity in the background too and noticed my husband already did:) haha....soooo cute, lorens that is!

jes kast keat

Jim & Wendy said...

Oh my word. That is too cute. I also love when he takes the camera out at the end. :-)

Chaeli said...

Michele- that is adorable!!!! What a cutie pie!