Thursday, October 25, 2007


so, I know I refer to SNL frequently, but I can't help it. There’s just certain skits that seem to stay with me. Usually, there’s not a week that goes by that either Josh or I don’t mention a line in a skit…and then crack up. Or something happens that reminds me of a certain skit. Can’t help it. (I also tend to relate real life situations with Friends episodes all the time – many of you can vouch for that I’m sure. I’m Sorry.)
The GR fire/police department isn’t too far away from where my office building is located, so it isn’t unusual for me to hear their sirens go off all the time. Half the time it seems like they end up on my street for one reason or another. Usually its because the fire alarms go off in the Cooley Law School across the street …all…the…time. Yesterday I left my office just in time to see about 6-7 squad cars pulled up in front of our building and Mel Trotter. There is a parking garage going up on the corner for the law school, and a crazy guy decided to climb up the humongous crane that they happened to be using yesterday. I stood and watched as the police scrambled around yelling at him, trying to safely get him down. (they did finally) How many police do you think it takes to get one crazy guy? Apparently it takes about 15. If you think that’s “crazy”…today will take the cake.
The sirens go off and I think… “here they come again”… sure enough, they pull up right below my window. There aren’t any alarms going off anywhere… my immediate thought is that there must have been an accident…someone is hurt. NOPE. I watch as they talk disgruntled amongst themselves around a light pole. Then one of them walks slowly to the fire engine, grabs a bottle of water, walks back to the light pole and pours his bottle of water on the cigarette head-to-toe fire gear. They got a call about a smoking cigarette holder. Now I ask this…. “REALLY”?
And in conclusion…(I’m bringing it all back together now)…Seth Meyers and Amy Poehler do a segment called REALLY?!? on weekend update. It’s pretty funny (not hilarious) but I guess memorable enough for it to come back to me today…haha – you should U Tube it if you are an SNL fan.

1 comment:

Jim & Wendy said...

I had a dream that you wrote a blog more than twice a month... but I also had to face reality... sucks doesn't it? :-)