Josh and I have been so busy getting ready for the baby. I've had four amazing showers...we feel like we pretty much have everything we need for him to come! A list that has gone down from like 100 things to two. phew! We've done most of the work on the nursery...its painted, and we have the crib, dresser, bookshelf and curtains done. We're waiting for our glider to arrive and then we will do the final decorating. I'm going to wait to post pictures of it for when its finished. (the suspense Chaeli, I know...)
This past weekend I started to get stressed out about all the little things we still have to do to get ready, so Josh and I made a "baby to do list" and have started working on it. babies are a lot of work and he's not even here yet. :)
maybe this is where my stress stemmed from...last week I went to an early childhood conference in Dearborn for work and among many things learned that if you give your child 1500 hours of laptime before they go to Kindergarten you'll be sure to set them up for success in school! He's technically sitting on my lap right now...does that count? haha. :)
Since I (we I should say) last blogged...
Baby and I turned 28 weeks...
Baby and I I turned 32 weeks...
34 week pic to come...
We bought a car!...
We sold a car... (i miss it, it was a good car)
showers: (no pictures though)
I had a beautiful outside shower thrown by my GR friends and mom-in-law...what a beautiful day...and so many friends came!
I had an amazing shower thrown by my mom back at home...a fabulous brunch, FIVE games (i loved it), family, and many old and new friends. Including my new best friend who guessed that I had only gained 5 lbs so far during one of the that lady whoever she is... :)
A very sweet (literally...lots of desserts :) shower thrown by my co-workers
And a fun shower thrown by my high school girls and Wendy
baby is on his way...we're so excited! We're taking some baby belly pictures this weekend...hopefully our next post won't take us so long to do...