25 wks...It doesn't seem like I've been pregnant that long...but then again it does. The baby and I are doing great. We had another ultrasound this past week and were told baby is in the 41st percentile and is growing perfectly. :)
Last weekend Josh and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary. We went to Ludington for the weekend and had such a great time together. Although it was a little too chilly to sit on the beach we still drove to the state park to walk on the dunes, ate our weight in ice cream, went shopping, saw a movie, etc. Here's a couple pictures from our get-a-way.
me and baby at 24wks

Josh, Baby and I conquering the chilly beach

pretty sunset!

Earlier in the month I also celebrated my birthday - Josh had flowers sent to work and took me to Boatworks in Holland for dinner and we had some aaaaamazing food. Then we walked to the lighthouse, which I've never actually been to, and watched the sunset.
Over the past couple weeks we finished painting the nursery, putting the crib together, and registering for the baby items we need...it was sort of a surreal experience for both of us. I just want to give a disclaimer that Babys r us is a crazy store...especially for 2 people that "babys r not us yet"...it was an interesting experience to go around and figure out what we "needed." The only thing that saved us from throwing our registry gun at the foreign registry lady at the end was the fact that I had walked around with two wonderful moms a couple days before who kind of explained everything to me that I would need and which brands they liked best...we thank you, and probably so does the registry lady!!!! :)
Here are the links to our registries: