A lot has happened in 4 weeks for us! We went to Florida with the Bishop family at the end of May and had a great vacation with them...our last before our little baby comes! It was so relaxing - nothing but laying out by the pool and beach in the beautiful weather. Then we went home a couple weekends in a row to see my sister, Kirsten, graduate from highschool and have a great party. After that came our 20 wk ultrasound! We were really excited/nervous to find out the gender and to know if our little peanut was healthy...HE is! It's a boy, and we are so happy. We haven't been able to stop talking about what our little boy is going to be like for the past couple days. And now it's names, names, names. We decided to wait to start talking about names until we found out the gender. It's a hard job but someone has got to do it. How do you pick out the perfect name? Welp, you'll have to wait 4 more months to find out as we're keeping whatever we decide a secret. Actually, we're not going to "name" him until he's born so we can make sure he fits whatever we pick out. What if we pick Newt, and he is not a Newt? My point exactly. Josh and I went out last night to baby's r us, our first trip, and each picked out a little boys outfit. I picked a cute little organic blue and yellow polka dot outfit minus anything with cars, baseballs, trucks, tractors, etc. (blech) and Josh picked a little onsie set that has a pirate theme to it...one says "argh" with a little pirate hat on it, one says "i'm a pirate" etc....if you know Josh, you'd know that he was unbelievably excited to buy it... So, there's our 4 week recap! Enjoy the pictures!
me and josh in Fl on a dolphin cruise

me and baby @ 17 weeks
Kirsten's Graduation Ceremony

me and baby @ 20 weeks

baby's tootsie (that's for you, mom!)

baby bishop sucking his thumb
